Creating an Education Hub
We are revitalizing the Coliseum Plaza area by partnering with key stakeholders including Hubbard Commercial Realty, Developmental Therapy Associates, Salem Montessori, and Key Autism to provide therapeutic and education support services. The Imprints Cares Center for Thriving Families is a central location for students, parents, community partners, and staff to grow and thrive in a nurturing environment. This education hub will allow us to continue our proven track record of supporting Forsyth County's next generation while simultaneously providing a substantial economic impact in our community.

Engaging Family Systems
Imprints Cares' Expanded Learning and Ready for School programs encourage family engagement, promote positive parenting, connect families to community resources, cultivate literacy-rich environments for children, and refer families to early intervention services. We meet families where they are and walk alongside them to ensure parents are their children’s first and best teachers and that students have the tools necessary to learn, grow, and thrive.

Addressing Unmet Needs
The Center for Thriving Families is doubling the capacity of our onsite Inclusion Program, which serves typically developing students along with exceptional students who have developmental and neurological needs, expanding it to serve up to 100 students. Imprints Cares is one of the only nonprofits that provides such care to working families in the area. The Center for Thriving Families is granting us the opportunity to serve more exceptional students in before-and-after-school care and summer enrichment camp. These out-of-school care programs are critical to families, allowing parents to go to work knowing their children are in a safe and nurturing learning environment.

Cómo TÚ poder ayudar
Con usted como nuestro socio, podemos continuar ofreciendo actividades de enriquecimiento a nuestros campistas de verano con necesidades especiales, visitas a domicilio para ayudar a los padres a preparar a sus hijos para el éxito escolar y becas para garantizar que los niños tengan acceso a programas extracurriculares de calidad con maestros certificados. Juntos, podemos cerrar la brecha de oportunidades y asegurarnos de que los niños desarrollen todo su potencial.
Other Ways to Give
Charitable Remainder Trust
Establish an annuity, like a Charitable Remainder Trust
Individual Retirement Account
Change your required minimum distribution to a qualified charitable distribution to offset your taxes
Include Imprints Cares in your estate planning
Establish an endowment
Donor Advised Funds
Set up a Donor Advised Fund
Stock Transfers
Donate shares of stock

Si tiene alguna pregunta sobre cómo puede apoyar a Imprints Cares o necesita más ayuda, comunÃquese con Kelsey Camarena al
o llame al (336) 955-3989.
Acerca de Imprints Cares
Imprints Cares es una organización independiente de servicios humanos y de salud 501(c)(3) sin fines de lucro. Todas las donaciones son deducibles de impuestos. La información financiera y una copia de la licencia de solicitación están disponibles en la Subdivisión de Licencias de Solicitación del Estado. La licencia no es un respaldo del estado.