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Family, Friends, & Neighbors (FFN)

for in-home childcare providers caring for children ages birth – 5 years

Family, Friends, & Neighbors (FFN) offers visits by Parents as Teachers trained provider educators to support family members, friends, and others who are providing in-home childcare. Enrolled caretakers receive two visits per month, quarterly child development and enrichment kits, and invitations to attend provider connections and Play & Learn Groups. Children receive developmental screenings.

an Imprints Cares provider educator with a child from the FFN program

FFN benefits

FFN offers many benefits to in-home childcare providers, including:

  • Evidence-based support and training

  • Two visits monthly with a trained provider educator

  • Developmental screenings for children

  • Engaging activities

  • Play & Learn Groups

  • Home safety tips

  • Resources and books

  • Networking and professional development

  • Availability in Spanish or English

icon identifying the PPC program as an evidence-based program

Last year FFN served 41 children and 15 providers through 179 home visits. 93% of parents attended group connections.

Parents as Teachers Blue Ribbon Affiliate logo

Imprints Cares is recognized by the national PAT office as an exemplary Blue Ribbon Affiliate. This means that we exceed the PAT Essential Requirements and the PAT Quality Standards.


In 2017, Imprints Cares was awarded the Losos Prize for Innovation and Excellence, which is awarded to only one organization in the country each year. 


We continue to innovate and serve more families with even greater effectiveness​ through our full spectrum of evidence-based programming.

Orange Dots


Refer a Childcare Provider or Enroll in FFN

For English, call Angel Conrad at 336-955-2110.

Para español, llame a Maria Stockton al 336-713-9743.

Support FFN

Click on a button below to learn about how you can support Family, Friends, & Neighbors.


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